Brad Heath Profile picture
DC reporter for @reuters on crime and justice. Ex-@usatoday. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. 202-527-9709,

Nov 19, 2021, 6 tweets

DOJ opposes James O'Keefe's request that a court appoint a special master to review materials the FBI seized from him. It says there's a big First Am. difference "between stealing documents and disclosing documents that someone else has stolen previously."…

Most of the detail is redacted, but DOJ is pretty clearly alleging that it has evidence Project Veritas had a hand in the theft of Ashley Biden's diary.

DOJ says Project Veritas "is not engaged in journalism within any traditional or accepted definition of that word," so to the extent there is a qualified privilege for journalists, it wouldn't qualify.

DOJ also says Project Veritas' contention that the FBI leaked some of its documents to the @nytimes after seizing them from O'Keefe's phone is "pure speculation, with absolutely no evidence." (The Times has said it obtained the documents before the FBI raid.)

This, for what it's worth, is about as close as the Justice Department gets to quoting Vinny Gambino.

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