Taylor Popielarz Profile picture
National Political Reporter for @SpectrumNewsDC, focusing on Donald Trump | taylor.popielarz@charter.com | @ABC57News, @QuinnipiacU, @SJRHighSchool alum

Nov 19, 2021, 11 tweets

Happy Friday!

I’m part of the press pool traveling with @VP to Columbus.

She’s set to tour Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189 with @SecMartyWalsh and speak about what the bipartisan infrastructure deal will do for Ohio.

It’s her first trip since the bill became law on Monday.

This trip marks @VP’s first visit to Columbus since taking office in January.

Back in April, she visited Cincinnati to build support for the infrastructure bill.

And in March, President Biden visited Columbus.

Lots of attention paid to Ohio by this administration.

Also hitching a ride back home to #OH3: @RepBeatty, who chairs @TheBlackCaucus and played a big role in getting the infrastructure bill across the finish line.

The @VP, @SecMartyWalsh and @RepBeatty are wheels down in Columbus, Ohio.

@MayorGinther and his daughter, Clara, greeted them.

We’ve made it to Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189 in Columbus.

@VP is being given a tour of some HVAC training equipment used here.

“I am grateful to work for an administration that is so pro-worker and pro-union,” @SecMartyWalsh says, as he introduces @VP at Local 189 in Columbus.

.@VP has taken the stage here in Columbus.

She thanks several Ohio lawmakers by name for their role in getting the bipartisan infrastructure deal passed:
- #OH3 @RepBeatty (D)
- @SenSherrodBrown (D)
- @senrobportman (R)

“This law will put more Americans to work in good union jobs,” @VP says at Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189 in Columbus.

“Our bipartisan infrastructure law is part one of two. We are determined to lower the cost of living for working people in America.”

The @VP spoke for about 14 minutes here in Columbus before roughly 100 attendees.

Before leaving Columbus, @VP commented on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict:

“The verdict really speaks for itself. As many of you know, I’ve spent a majority of my career working to make the criminal justice system more equitable and clearly there’s a lot more work to do.”

The @VP is back in DC.

That’s all, folks 👋🏻

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