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Not playing idiot's Nazi Twitter any more. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

Nov 20, 2021, 14 tweets

No actually.

It's because the infection was probably airborne and they were wiping surfaces.

He's not talking about COVID-19.

Neither am I.

Lots of other things in hospital air. They make you sick when you go in to get better.

Left side of each picture: air filter off.
Right side: air filter on.

1. When I visit the hospital I am glad they do not serve me well water from the well out back.

I might catch cholera.

2. When I visit the hospital I am sad they make me breathe the unfiltered air of my sick neighbours.

I catch RSV/flu/name your bug.

Pictures earlier from

Morris et al. ‘The Removal of Airborne SARS-CoV-2 and Other Microbial Bioaerosols by Air Filtration on COVID-19 Surge Units’, 22 September 2021.….

Please note, "other microbial bioaerosols" in the title.

It is likely in an environment like a hospital not ALL spread is airborne, nor is all of it respiratory pathogens, of course. But I rather suspect a lot more things we typically have thought of as "contact" are in fact airborne, whether thrown up or actually respired.

This is from an online textbook, under heading "nosocomial infections", and you can see they relegate multi-drug resistant bacteria, including MRSA, to contact only.

Elsewhere I have posted about MRSA in the air.

Feel free to conduct research.

This is likely a good one to read, but I do not have time to.…

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