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Nov 20, 2021, 8 tweets

"Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest.” Proverbs 20:4

Epic Biblical passage, but our Degen ancestors had no shiny data set to check yield on @terra_money

So, let´s check the current yield situation to ape safely

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1/ Let´s start with @terraswap_io and the major "hidden" farms. As usual, TS has no native token. So the APR is pure pool fees.

bLUNA-LUNA has slowed down a bit in the last months. Still, a solid APR of around 15%.

The hidden kings are now bETH and LUNA against UST with >50%.

2/ With the slowdown of the LUNA-bLUNA LP, it makes sense to check to the classic LUNA staking again.

After a slowdown based on annualized returns around COL-5, the yield is starting to skyrocket.

Why? Ozone burns minting billions of $UST makes it happen! (Excluding airdrops)

3/ Feels like meeting an old friend. Short and Long Farm APRs on @mirror_protocol

Is the Degen Life strategy still interesting? Yes, sir. With stable Long Farms around 35%, neutral farming is still great.

Nevertheless, we need to observe the effect of the MIR reduction soon.

4/ But where to take the whole money to farm? Maybe a borrow on @anchor_protocol ?

Sure! However, we are not getting paid for borrowing money (what, paying for a borrow? No way 😂)

For the first time, the net borrow APR turned negative. So just be aware of this, degen friend!

5/ Talking about @anchor_protocol, how is the health situation of the core protocol of @terra_money?

In a nutshell: Amazing.

With stable deposits of bLUNA (70M) and bETH at (85k), the yield reserve is filling up at an impressive speed (grey line).

EARN APY 20% ✅

6/ Not enough Degen numbers yet? There are chances to get over 200% APR on different UST pools.

Just remain attentive to the price action of the underlying assets.

Then, as usual: Plan long term to take benefit of farms and check upcoming airdrops and the fully diluted MC.

7/ Special thanks to @alphaDefi_ for providing the data points. Find his amazing web app on

In case you want my two cents on those topics, feel free to check this video on YouTube :)

#DegenFarmer Out :)


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