{PuruVijay}.svelte Profile picture
Fullstack web developer. @sveltejs team. Been coding for 9 years. ex- Rigo, @stackblitz. Love everything Hans Zimmer. CodeFu: https://t.co/SyHcp9zQ6u

Nov 21, 2021, 27 tweets

✨Let me introduce to you: Jotai 👻

Jotai is a minimalistic but extremely powerful React State management library which makes state management simple as heck!

It's as simple as using a useState, but for your global state.

But it goes beyond that with its utils...

...and integrations with other state management libraries like React Query, XState, Valtio, Redux, Zustand, URQL.

But let's begin with the basics, and implement our own theme switcher 💡

Read on 👇

Setting it up!

jotai exports a Provider which you put at the root of your app(or the portion where you want jotai to work)


An atom is a small isolated piece of state. It basically holds the state in it.

Ideally, one atom contains very small data, although it's just a convention. You could still put all your state in one atom 🙂

Using an atom as a state is dead simple. It's very much like a useState, but you pass it an atom. Then it gives you the value and a setter, just like useState

OFC, we haven't used setTheme anywhere, so let's do that.

Now it is a theme switcher, but it's not practical yet....

An ideal theme switcher would go like this 👇

- Easily toggle state between different themes
- Persisted between page reloads
- Should work with Server Side rendering and Prerendering

So let's implement this👇

This hook is pretty robust and well tested and will work seamlessly. Note, we're setting light and dark classes on body. This is because we have declared our themes with CSS Variables on different classes on body

However, Jotai's got an ace up its sleeve. Jotai has a great set of utilities, which take care of some of the menial taks. One of these is atomWithStorage, which automatically syncs the state to localstorage.

Rewriting our hook above with atomWithStorage, we get 👇

It's 25% smaller. Not a big difference, but the main point is the complexity of our code is greatly reduced. Now the hook is basically just a useEffect applying class changes on theme change.

Much less error prone too, as majority of complex stuff is handled by a robust library.

Final usage of this hook ultimately. Pretty simple right? 😍

(No shade on Context, but I don't even wanna imagine how this hooks would be done with Context 🥲)

This was all about making something practical with Jotai. Now let me introduce you to some *DOPE AS HELL* features of Jotai. Get ready for this joyride 😉

1️⃣ Derived atoms

You compose many atoms together into one atom with Jotai's derived atoms. You get a `get` method which you can use to get values of different atoms while inside a derived atom's definition. Pretty dope feature I'd say

2️⃣ Async Atoms

Bring asynchronous behavior to your atoms. Using async atoms, atoms can do fetch calls, and basically a lot of asynchronous work 🤩

In this example, when you set value of fetchCountAtom, it'll literally fetch an API and set internal state value from the result

Now let's see some utils and, as the kids say nowadays, these are the real shit 😉


1️⃣ atomWithStorage

We saw this before. This is basically an atom that stores your store in localstorage. This allows you to keep state between page reloads too 🪄

And it's Server Side Rendering friendly too, so works perfectly in your NextJS apps too

2️⃣ atomWithReset

Ever had that situation where you wanted to reset a state to its initial value and had to make an extra variable for it? No more needed with this atom. This gives you a function, which on call will reset an atom back to its initial value

3️⃣ selectAtom

selectAtom solves the big problem that comes with having a huge object or array in your atoms, and using that atom in multiple places in the app.

It allows you to focus on any descendent of the atom's value, hence saving re-renders

3️⃣ freezeAtom

This one is primarily for debugging, when you application state becomes too complex and reliant on a lot of atom. This basically freezes an atom so it can't be changed

4️⃣ waitForAll

Coming back to async atoms, sometimes you need to get data from multiple places, and wait for it come so you can assemble it into one piece. However, you also don't want to wait for one to come to fire the other. They both should fire at once.

Solution 👇

🤗Jotai fits in with others🫂

Yep, Jotai has official integrations with many popular state libraries, and rather than pretending to be the only thing in React ecosystem, it *encourages* working with other state libraries

To name a few

React Query

Immer, for one is very close to my heart. I am primarily a Svelte Guy, and in Svelte, you can just change a object-typed state's descendant property by just mutating it with obj.prop1.prop2.prop3 = 'whatever', whereas React's immutability makes is horribly hard

That is where Jotai's immer integration comes in. Immer allows you to mutate a state's copy, and immer will automatically reconcile all the changes internally, in a very React-like fashion.

Without Immer With immer

This brings us to the conclusion. Oooph, this was a long thread. Kudos for making it down here 😉💪🔥

I covered only a third of what Jotai does. And still we ended up with such a huge thread. Let that sink in. Feel how powerful Jotai truly is

Personally, I pick it for every P/React without batting an eye. With all these mindblowing features, it's a no-brainer.

If you prefer to read a blog post for more in-depth, here you go 100ms.live/blog/jotai-rea…

Also, to clarify: I'm not a creator/maintainer/contributor of Jotai or @pmndrs. I'm just a FREAKING HUGE fan of Jotai and want to spread the word around. This library has made my React codebases maintanable and code easier to write, this is the least I can do

And a big shoutout to @100mslive for letting me guest-post it on their blog! It was a fun collab 🤩

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