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in the @trenches

Nov 22, 2021, 25 tweets

πŸ’Ž DFK Summoning Guide πŸ’Ž

This guide will go over the basic process in order to summon your very own Hero, while providing the necessary information to extract as much value out of the process

Let’s begin... βš”οΈπŸ’Ž


πŸ’Ž Not all Heroes are created equal, you must keep this in mind in order to pinpoint value when you spot it

πŸ’Ž In order to summon, your Hero must possess summoning power (located at bottom of card)

πŸ’Ž The resources necessary to summon will vary based on multiple factors


πŸ’Ž Summons will determine the qty of times you may summon

πŸ’Ž When it reaches 0 you can no longer summon

πŸ’Ž All gen0’s have unlimited summons with a cool-down period that increases 4 hours with each summon

πŸ’Ž All remaining gens will have a cool-down period of 4*HeroesGen


πŸ’Ž When you summon a hero it’s gen will be determined by +1 of the highest gen summoning

πŸ’Ž Summoning 2 gen0 Heroes will produce a gen1 with 10/10 summons

πŸ’Ž Summoning 2 gen1 Heroes that both have 10/10 summons will produce a gen2 Hero with 9/9 summons... and so on


πŸ’Ž Your 2 Heroes do not need to have the same # of summons

πŸ’Ž Summoning with a gen1 (9/10 summons) & gen2 (3/3 summons) you will summon a gen3 Hero with 2/2 summons like below

πŸ’Ž You can use this to your advantage if you can’t afford a Hero with high # of summons


πŸ’Ž Rarity is an important factor when summoning

πŸ’Ž Summoning 2 Heroes with equal rarity will increase the probability of summoning a more rare Hero as seen below

πŸ’Ž Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to summoning, you can still summon a common with 2 mythics!


πŸ’Ž Stats & Professions are also passive traits that may be passed onto a summoned Hero

πŸ’Ž Summoning with 2 Heroes of the same profession/stats will likely pass on those common traits

πŸ’Ž Summoning with misaligned traits can produce a new random profession/skill


πŸ’Ž Certain Heroes will perform better at specific professions with desired skills

πŸ’Ž To build a Hero with desired traits you must plan ahead

πŸ’Ž It may cost you slightly more JEWEL upfront but overall it will increase the value of your newly summoned Hero


πŸ’Ž When you summon you pay a fee in JEWEL

πŸ’Ž Gen0 Heroes will start at a 6 JEWEL fee & each gen following will increase by 10 JEWEL

πŸ’Ž After each summon the fee will increase by 2 JEWEL

πŸ’Ž Gen0 fees are capped at a fixed rate and will continue to pay that stagnant fee


πŸ’Ž In addition to paying a JEWEL fee you must also pay a fixed rate of Gaia’s Tears (Tears)

πŸ’Ž Basic class rate is 10 Tears per Hero

πŸ’Ž Advanced/Elite class rate is 40 Tears per Hero

πŸ’Ž You can buy Tears at the marketplace & potentially earn them at the wishing well


πŸ’Ž In order to summon an Advanced, Elite or Exalted class you must summon with Heroes with their respective β€œpair”

πŸ’Ž Summoning with an Archer & Thief may potentially summon a DarkKnight

πŸ’Ž Summoning with a Paladin & DarkKnight may potentially summon a Dragoon...etc


βš”οΈ Should you Summon? βš”οΈ

πŸ’Ž Summoning is simply a feature in DFK and you are by no means required to participate

πŸ’Ž Summoning is an exciting way to build your desired Hero while also taking a chance w rarity

πŸ’Ž Despite the amazing possibilities, it comes at a cost


πŸ’Ž When deciding whether or not you should summon you must analyze your budget

πŸ’Ž If you have < 200 JEWEL than summoning a new Hero will be quite the risky venture

πŸ’Ž To make this decision simpler let’s dive into some important factors


πŸ’Ž Profession & Adventure Quests are on there way & when they arrive it will alter how you perceive Heroes

πŸ’Ž If questing is your desired goal then summoning may be too risky with a small budget

πŸ’Ž @DFKTavern provides some amazing stats, check it out on their website!


πŸ’Ž With the price of JEWEL rising, the floor of non-rare Heroes (with 0 summons) have been steadily decreasing (JEWEL)

πŸ’Ž JEWEL’s success may provide a valuable opportunity to snag a few floor Heroes to quest with rather than risking JEWEL summoning if budget is a concern


πŸ’Ž If you only have 1 Hero, you can hire a 2nd Hero at the portal and pay a fee that costs substantially less than buying a Hero

πŸ’Ž This can be a very useful strategy if there isn’t the right Hero for you on the marketplace, or if you can’t afford to pay full price


πŸ’Ž If you’ve come to the conclusion that summoning is a valuable risk/reward - then head to the portal

πŸ’Ž If you have 2 Heroes make sure you have enough JEWEL & Tears to cover the fees

πŸ’Ž If you need a 2nd Hero than browse the market for a Hero that hits all your criteria


πŸ’Ž When you summon you will receive a Summoning Crystal, this crystal will grant you your newly summoned Hero

πŸ’Ž Bare in mind you only have 5 minutes to summon after infusing your Heroes otherwise your crystal will expire and you must pay a 18 JEWEL fee


βš”οΈ Personal Summons βš”οΈ

πŸ’Ž Archer - Common - gen3
πŸ’Ž 5/5 Summons - Foraging - Wis

πŸ’Ž Thief - Uncommon - gen2
πŸ’Ž 5/9 Summons - Foraging - Dex

βš”οΈ Received βš”οΈ

πŸ’Ž DarkKnight - Common - gen4
πŸ’Ž 4/4 Summons - Foraging - Wis


πŸ’Ž DarkKnight - Common - gen4
πŸ’Ž 4/4 Summons - Foraging - Wis

πŸ’Ž Paladin - Common - gen2
πŸ’Ž 4/5 Summons - Foraging - Int

βš”οΈ Received βš”οΈ

πŸ’Ž DarkKnight - Rare - gen5
πŸ’Ž 3/3 Summons - Fishing - Vit


πŸ’Ž DarkKnight - Rare - gen5
πŸ’Ž 3/3 Summons - Fishing - Vit

πŸ’Ž Paladin - Rare - gen1
πŸ’Ž 5/5 Summons - Fishing - Int

βš”οΈ Received βš”οΈ

πŸ’Ž Dragoon - Common - gen6
πŸ’Ž 2/2 Summons - Fishing - Wis


πŸ’Ž Share your summons below πŸ’Ž

πŸ’Ž Ask & questions πŸ’Ž

πŸ’Ž Happy Hunting πŸ’Ž

#DeFiKingdoms #DFK

NFA - purely just a how to guide

If you’re new to @DefiKingdoms & would like a more broad overview, check out my initial DFK thread

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