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Breaking the Silence is an Israeli veterans' organization aimed at raising awareness to the dire consequences of prolonged military occupation.

Nov 22, 2021, 19 tweets

Settler Violence has always been an integral part of the occupation, but has seen a drastic spike in recent months. We’re at the Knesset (parliament) today to demand it be dealt with.
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A good place to start is our recent soldiers’ testimony booklet on Settler Violence, “On Duty”:…

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@peacenowisrael @YeshDin Kahanist MK Ben Gvir, a settler himself goes off. @mossi_raz: No need to bring in data, settler violence is in this very room.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz MK @IbtisamMaraana: There is no Jewish terrorism or Islamic terrorism or Palestinian terrorism. There is simply terrorism, and it must be stopped before it is too late.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren: We have gathered today to hear testimonies from Israelis and Palestinians who have experienced violence first-hand, listen to long-time activists, hear data from civil society orgs, a discharged soldier, and of course MKs who deal with this issue every day.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren MK @mossi_raz: I want to share in the grief of the family of Eli Kay who was murdered yesterday. I want to say that violence should always be condemned, especially when it is against civilians, though those who condemned yesterday's violence did not mention settler violence.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren MK @mossi_raz: This is not a phenomenon of soldiers standing by, but the whole army standing by. The police stand by. The press stands by - in fact, this issue goes almost unreported. Violence is everywhere, in every society, and we regret to see this institutional cooperation.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren Ron Zaidel, our Director of Research also recently wrote about the inescapable conclusion that settler violence is "an inseparable part of the occupation—very hard to separate from the violence perpetrated by the state itself."…

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren MK @osamasaadi63: A 150% increase in Palestinian complaints against settler violence, and many Palestinians do not complain as they do not believe in the judicial system of the occupation.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 Minister @NitzanHorowitz: Thank you to for the courage to bring this reality to the attention of the public. Unfortunately, incidents of physical injury, stone-throwing, even shooting, have become common. This government is committed to making a change on this issue as well

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz Minister @NitzanHorowitz: Terrorism and violence should be eradicated. This is a basic position that should unite us. Unfortunately, there are those who try to downplay its severity, or even deny its existence. I invite them to go see for themselves. This should be a consensus.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz MK @ShahadehAbou: Settlement is violence and used by the state to deepen the occupation. Therefore, the state is responsible. In most cases, violent settlers are defended by the army. The state is responsible for the crime of occupation and the violence of the settlers.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz @ShahadehAbou Activist @AliAwad98822522: I grew up in Tuba in the South Hebron Hills, under the threat of settlers my whole life. The military and settlers are working to steal our resources, rob us of our freedom, and take our land. There is full cooperation between the settlers and the army

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz @ShahadehAbou @AliAwad98822522 Apart from the violence itself faced by Palestinians in the West Bank at the hands of settlers, having to report it to Israeli police who time an again treat the victims as suspects can itself be an insufferable ordeal, as Awad himself wrote recently:…

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz @ShahadehAbou @AliAwad98822522 @AliAwad98822522 : The road that led to Yatta now passes through Maon Farm. The last time we tried to use it, settlers attacked us. The nearest school is in the nearby village of Tawani, and settlers are attacking children on the way to school.


@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz @ShahadehAbou @AliAwad98822522 .@shaqued_morag: Our new report found that Jewish violence has a very clear address and it is the illegal outposts. It is another tool in the toolbox for taking over land, and it is a very effective tool. We see that this violence is a tool for determining facts on the ground.

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz @ShahadehAbou @AliAwad98822522 @shaqued_morag According to @peacenowisrael report on the connection between the illegal outposts and settler violence - 63% of the violence is near illegal outposts, where about 5% of the settlers live:

The new report in Hebrew:…

@peacenowisrael @YeshDin @mossi_raz @IbtisamMaraana @shachar_keren @osamasaadi63 @NitzanHorowitz @ShahadehAbou @AliAwad98822522 @shaqued_morag MK @Michal_Rozin: The whole occupation is violent. True. However, settler violence is the extreme of Jewish supremacy. There is a serious effort to keep this reality from the Israeli public while offering excessive forgiveness to the perpetrators. It's time to stop this terrorism

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