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Nov 22, 2021, 11 tweets

The "Summer of Love," 1967. The Jefferson Airplane performs in Marin County, Cal.
We look at life in 1967 in the next issue of our magazine style newsletter, "Eight Things To Know."
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1967: Albert DeSalvo is convicted of rape. He claims to be the Boston Strangler responsible for killing 13 young women but some doubt him. DNA evidence gathered yrs later proves him correct. DeSalvo will be killed by a fellow inmate in '73.
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In January 1967, NASA lost 3 astronauts in a launch pad cabin fire.

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1967 style, from Life Magazine


We look at life in 1967 in the next edition of our newsletter, "Eight things To Know."

the Ford Mustang


Fleetwood Mac got going in 1967


In 1967, 31-year-old John McCain is shot down and captured in North Vietnam. He will be held prisoner until 1973.

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Our look at the year 1967 in the next edition of our newsletter includes notable births and deaths.
Among those born in 1967 -- Kellyanne Conway and Anderson Cooper.
Among those who died in 1967 -- Spencer Tracy, Robert Oppenheimer and Jack Ruby.
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The Vietnam war expands in 1967, but there is no evidence that offensive US action is impeding the willingness of Hanoi to continue to fight. China and the Soviet Union send war materiel to aid their cause; and the North seems able to tap into an unlimited supply of manpower.

228,263 American men are drafted in 1967.

11,363 Americans die in Vietnam in 1967.

In 1967, less than half of the country supports LBJ’s war policy.

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