Tina Rivers Ryan Profile picture
Editor in Chief @artforum. Art historian and critic specializing in video and digital art. Disabled. Cybergoth. Mom. She/her.

Nov 22, 2021, 11 tweets

My mom mailed me my old CD collection and @AnnieLowrey I think we should guess what is on this

Dammit, Tina. (This is copyright 1992. Damn.)

Odds are I still listen to every one of these tracks

Custom album art by my graffiti artist high school sweetheart

do not go listen to this if you know me in any professional capacity but otherwise—track 3

Amazing the amount of casual misogyny and misogynoir I used to bump (even though I totally knew it was ridiculous) because it had sick beats 🤷‍♀️ Definitely did not have access back then to theoretical framework of intersectionality…

Do kids still go to fabric?? 😥

I was not what you would call a “preppy” teen

Born in the land of sun and sea and all I wanted was to be in some grimy basement in wet and cold Bristol or Berlin

I miss this culture of thoughtfully ripping and burning and sharing and reimagining (even as I am cognizant of what it did to music and musicians). Piracy but make it intimate and caring. Sigh. (Insert NFT commentary here.)

(@emenel this one’s for you)

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