Taharka Anderson Profile picture
PhD Candidate, UT | Black Education • Black Men/Boys • School Discipline/Criminalization | Founder: @yournhscholar

Nov 23, 2021, 8 tweets

Highly recommend!

Social construction of "childhood" + exclusion of Black *children*

Black children = Pickaninnies = subhuman, insensate (unable to feel pain), animal-like

Consider how we see these ideas continue to play out in the 21st century.

Scientific social construction of the child = Inclusive of white children and European immigrant children; Negates humanity of Black children

Remember, these ideas aren't being created by the stereotypical idea of some poor toothless racist bigot.

White scientists!

White children = dependent = in need of help, resources, rehabilitation

Black children = delinquent = juvenile carcerality

Consider the differences in how the US responds to the behavior and vulnerabilities of Black & white children today.

Black girls socially constructed as masculine, hypersexual, sexually deviant, aggressive, domineering, beyond western constructions of femininity

Consider how Black women and girls are demonized today!

Black boys socially constructed as dangerous, abnormally strong, insensate, ape-like, criminals, rapists, without remorse

Consider how Black men and boys are generally thought of and discussed today!

White children = salvageable
Black children = unsalvageable

Consider how social constructions of race, gender, and childhood inform the development of juvenile justice and the general response to the behavior and vulnerabilities of children in society.

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