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🟢91➡️Phase 3↔96🔴🏹💚 321(321)🗝(123)725 4/8⭕8/23⭕✌️7.13.23 6.2.12🐣 🗝️ X🟰522:Feb2,23:81🌕25 S(3:6:9)N RB🟰JB 🇨🇳913🇮🇱 711🫸⭕🫷 AL136 🇮🇱 2018 ➡️19

Nov 24, 2021, 9 tweets

We are all eagerly awaiting THANKS giving...
And have mentally prepared for the lead-in...

- BUT -

What about post-Thanksgiving:
26 November and onwards
What might happen in the Short-term ?

Just a short thread 👇

ASSUMING we are on track with
Fourth of Nov = 25.11.2021

- Which seems to be the case -

Then the 5th is the 26th!

We can probably use the BG123 timings as a guideline - And so the 26th is indeed important.
The last video published by Ripple Riddler:

Baba confirmed some time back!

Future Proves Past - Let´s see what Pool wanted to tell us around this time period.

Baba - YES after the bills - What do they mean?

November bill is coming soon...
December bill is next.
When might it be expected?
AFTER the storm...

Check out that timestamp!

Minute 07
2+5= 7 // Could it be the 25th?

Check out that date! 28 Nov

IMO... After THANKS giving....

We are about to witness "Dark" December.


But what storm Mr President? 😃

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