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Nov 25, 2021, 7 tweets

Football, family and parade floats: Traditions return as families gather on Thanksgiving Day, grateful to celebrate again after the pandemic kept many at home last year 1/7

This year the Bidens served up meal kits with turkey and sweet potatoes at the D.C. Central Kitchen, an organization that makes fresh food for schools and homeless shelters 2/7

.@Reuterspictures documented communities giving back ahead of the holiday 3/7

But the pandemic isn't far from mind, farmers were more cautious with production figuring a second pandemic holiday could slash demand. U.S. feasters are paying premium prices for the turkeys this year 4/7

The overall dinner cost jumped and U.S. consumers were expected to spend an average of 14% more this year in the biggest annual increase in 31 years, the American Farm Bureau Federation said 5/7

Airports and commercial airlines across the United States also registered one of their busiest days since before the pandemic on Wednesday as millions of Americans traveled to visit loved ones for the holiday 6/7

After going virtual in 2020, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade returned for the holiday this year. @Reuterspictures captured highlights here 7/7

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