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Faster airplanes and zippier cars. Threads: Unkempt thoughts:

Nov 26, 2021, 5 tweets

>credibility liquidity

Claire Lehmann and her crew are engaging in very interesting strategy:
staying correct on secondary concerns - and also turning that into supporting the official line of their government's primary concerns du jour.

>corrective information
>we're just protecting the indigenous communities

This is particularly interesting, coming from a portugal politician.

He says flat out" fake news" because the name is not an exact translation according to him - and because the measures enacted are "sensible". Replies lists what was enacted - exactly what you expect.

>it's not a booster its' a requisite third dose
>it's your fault our measures aren't working

>credibility liquidity

Staying correct on secondary concerns - and also turning that into supporting the official line of their government's primary concerns du jour.

And they feel the squeeze from the independent media. Good riddance, Claire :-)

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