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Protect Your Peace(piece)✌🏽

Nov 26, 2021, 12 tweets

incoming #saitama
I've already exposed the back doors and circles(I'm still not done)but we have other coins pretending to be friends but they are foe and use your kindness to stay around

Example FUD is one that keeps the glue intact of our attackers.exhibit A #FudFakeSupport

*incoming* #saitama #FudFakeSupport

I've told you over and over they only pretend to be cool with our coin holders to funnel them into other projects that they working on...if you read this tweet you would believe he's a ally to #saitama correct???

FUD seems like a good dude huh??? Yeah only when he realizes he is connected to other projects so he has to ATTEMPT to play nice for the sake of his projects.......pray yourself waay bruh #FudFakeSupport #saitama #SaitamaWolfPack

CryptoNoah_ was smart enough to block me..but like I've warn my enemies on Twitter IM A RESEARCHER MEANING I GET PAID TO CONNECT DOTS🤗 but arrogance will make you believe you can outwit or outsmart someone..FUD KNEW HE F*CKED UP and tried to take the high road but..❤my passion

💥 *Incoming*
You pretended to support and ❤ the investors in #saitama why do you want to continue to try to damage us?? these(us investors) have kids and most of us dont have alot of $ WHY ARE YOU trying to harm us. I see you making coalitions with other projects to attack us

Before folks yell photoshop or whatever this is my dm .....

If you notice I keep saying Hodl and FLOOR.... and I'm my spaces I've been talking about group buys of saitama om certain days as a collective....WE WILL BE ATTACKED AGAIN so I'm preparing us,let's build this floor so they cant harm us

WE ARE THE PACK #SaitamaWolfPack #Saitama

So I will leave on this note..For ppl that's doing business with him how does it feel to know that this man is trying to destroy #saitama but #saitama made him a millionaire
no loyalty to even just enjoy his money and focus on whatever he wants he leeches of ppl for his own gain

*cues theme music* peace WE ARE THE PACK #SaitamaWolfPack #saitama

CHECKMATE....ask yourselves how many YouTube and Twitter influencers will retweet or talk about this 🤔🤔.... #saitama #SaitamaWolfPack

😂😂🤣🤣 come get this man phone he commented and tried to delete it ..... WE ARE THE PACK #SaitamaWolfPack #saitama

*previously on dragonball z*

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