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Nov 26, 2021, 12 tweets

• ‘Serious concern’ as South Africa detects new COVID variant
• European states expand boosters and tighten curbs amid COVID surge

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What do we know about the new COVID strain found in South Africa?

Several countries, including the UK, Israel and Singapore, have imposed travel restrictions after the discovery of a new COVID variant in South Africa

• Belgium detects Europe’s first confirmed case of new COVID variant
• Italy imposes entry ban on eight southern African states
• South Africa sport shutting down over new variant

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WHO declares new coronavirus strain ‘variant of concern’.

🔵 LIVE updates:

• Canada closes borders to travellers from seven southern African nations
• US to impose travel curbs on eight southern African countries

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After early success, Taiwan struggles to exit ‘zero COVID’ policy

New Zealand’s plans to reopen its borders in April 2022 have frustrated businesses reliant on travel ⤵️

Biden calls for intellectual property waivers on COVID vaccines as international concern is rising over a new coronavirus variant detected in South Africa

WHO designates a new coronavirus strain detected in South Africa as a 'variant of concern', prompting countries around the world to impose travel restrictions amid fears over its potential spread ⤵️

Merck’s experimental COVID-19 pill is significantly less effective in slashing hospitalisations and deaths than previously reported.

Read more:

Brazil’s Bolsonaro dismisses call for COVID travel curbs

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