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Nov 26, 2021, 43 tweets

1. Who Are The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security And Why Did They Publish A Document Called The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 In 2017

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2. In 1998 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (CHS) was set up. It is an independent, nonprofit organization of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The Center works to protect people’s health from epidemics and pandemics.

3. Its Director is Tom Inglesby, a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

In 2018 he wrote an article called "6 ways countries can prepare for the next infectious disease pandemic". This was based on Clade X, which I’ll cover later.…

4. But who funds CHS. It primarily comes from the Open Philanthropy Project (OPP) who awarded a $16 million grant in 2017 & then an additional $19 Million in Oct 2019 (which was the same time Event 201 took place). OPP was founded by Dustin Moscovitz who also co-founded Facebook.

5. CHS has also received 52 grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) totalling $138 million

6. I decided to look at the CHS Annual Report from 2019 where I found this interesting piece of information.

"With Tianjin University’s Centre for Biosafety Research and Strategy, we gathered government and…

7. …scientific experts from China and the United States to examine potential governance approaches that would encourage innovation while reducing risks in the rapidly expanding field of synthetic biology"

Interesting that CHS is working with China.…

8. But what work have CHS carried out ? Aside from producing multiple reports they also carried out 4 pandemic tabletop exercises over the last twenty years.

Operation Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, Clade X & Event 201

9. Operation Dark Winter 2001 was a pandemic exercise which portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens.…

10. Four years later Atlantic Storm took place in 2005. The exercise used a fictitious scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack.

The bioweapon was also smallpox.…

11. Interestingly the BBC back in 2005 ran a program on Newsnight about Atlantic Storm.

It is only 11 minutes long but worth watching. It spoke of a smallpox outbreak where the vaccine was seen as the solution.

Transport was stopped to areas...

12...where there was an outbreak and borders were closed. It had a huge effect on economies. Eventually the vaccine was mass mandated. Masks also appeared in the short video.

It sounds remarkably similar to what we are experiencing today…

13. 2018 was Clade X. It was an exercise to illustrate high-level strategic decisions & policies that USA & the world would need to pursue in order to prevent a pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.…

14. It also got substantial MSM coverage in The Washington Post, New Yorker, New England Journal Of Medicine etc. The 4 min video gives a good summary.

You would almost get the impression that the media were trying to warn the public of what was coming…

15. The most famous pandemic exercise of all was Event 201. Event 201 predicted the Covid-19 outbreak and happened in Oct 2019, 3 months before the outbreak.

What was also significant about it was that CHS hosted it in conjunction with BMGF & WEF.…

16. Controlling the narrative through social media censorship was openly discussed at it. To control the message you need to control the media.

This has been very evident over the last 20 months with global media singing from the same hymn sheet.

17. It always seems to be the same players appearing. The WEF & BG in particular. Apart from BMGF funding CHS, Gates also recently warned of a smallpox attack which coincidentally was the outbreak that appeared in Dark Winter & Atlantic Storm

Just another coincidence

18. But what about The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 that CHS published in 2017. Brief summary.

START. The SPARS Pandemic scenario features the outbreak of the fictional SPARS coronavirus. The virus was first identified in a US city in 2025 & then spread all over US & 40 countries.

19. The US repurposes a drug to treat the virus while federal regulators & a pharmaceutical company work to quickly produce a v.

The resulting v must then be distributed across the nation while dealing with strains on the U.S. healthcare system caused by the pandemic.

20. Now that you have a brief outline nothing will act as a substitute for reading the whole document. It's only 60 pages but worth it and is a real eye opener. There is a lot in it so I'm going to screen capture the points that I deem significant whilst also adding in..

21. ...some commentary. These excerpts are very similar to what is going on since March 2020.

If you don't read the document please at least read the images as it will give you a feel for what it's about.


22. In the preface CHS paint a picture of the significant role that technology has to play in a pandemic.

Even at the outset CHS realise many people will be relying on technology for information rather than traditional means.

23. Chpt 1. Deals with the outbreak which is a novel coronavirus although initially it was confused with flu.

CHS also refers to a rapid diagnostic test to be used as well as hand washing, the symptoms from the virus as well as it spreading for a week before showing symptoms.

24. Chpt 2. CHS talks of a potential cure called Kalocivir but its efficacy or safety profile hadn't been determined. PPE mentioned also.

Transmission was due to asymptomatic individuals which increased cases.

There was also a lack of information regarding potential treatments.

25. Chpt 3. Trials on animals were examined but they frequently lead to adverse effects and often death.

Sounds familiar , doesn't it.

26. Chpt 4. The FDA issue an Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) it was shown that Kalocivir didn't prevent or reduce transmission

With regards to media, govt agencies sent out messages about Kalocivir as did local & national organisations

EUA for Covid. Who would have thought.

27. CHS talk of people being sceptical about the treatment and the side effect profile of it.

They also use the Navajo Indians as an example of an ethnic group reluctant to take it and using their leader to ram fear home.

Look what's happening to the Aborigines in Australia

28. Chpt 5. They use an example of a video going viral after a child suffered from side effects and how the authorities responded on social media to it.

We have seen examples of this happening in the last 20 months.

29. Chpt 7. Now that trust in Kalocivir was waning the focus moved to the new v, Corovax & how they would reach the public. Yet again social media was deemed essential as was the use of celebrities.

We have seen celebrities endorse the v non stop for the last year

30. Chpt 9. With the release of RCT data for Corovax, govt organisations & scientists praised the FDA & CDC for their responses & guidelines yet it was a different story on Social Media.

That has been exactly what has taken place since March 2020.

31. Chpt 10. With the v ready for production they ramped up capacity as the demand was so high.

Certain groups also wanted to be prioritised such as doctors and nurses.

Gosh, where have we seen that happen where a demand and supply issue has been created in the media.

32. Chpt 11. They refer to peoples private healthcare records being accessed and how the govt reacted to the outrage by using traditional MSM and then social media to explain the distribution process by using short statements and videos.

Familiar again.

33. Chpt 12. Just as Corovax was about to be released for distribution there was a power outage.

You will undoubtedly remember numerous stories of power outages in 2020 and 2021. I covered this in a WEF thread I did on what they have planned for us next.

34. Chpt 13. As Corovax was rolled out, anti-v groups appeared.

They claimed the v was "inadequately tested & had unknown, long-term side effects & that natural immunity resulting from contracting the disease was a more effective means of conferring protection"

Spot on again.

35. The US govt also had to respond to the anti-v groups claiming they suffered from confirmation bias

They also spoke of pneumonia in children 4-6 months after contracting the virus & high rates of morbidity.

In 2020/2021 it was the elderly who got the v first instead of kids.

36. Chpt 16. Corovax production continued for all ages. "Efforts to vaccinate the entire US population were actively underway"

A new, targeted aggressive advertising campaign was rolled out to get the sceptics onboard. To do this the govt had to work with IT companies.


37. Chpt 17. V injuries and adverse side effects emerged & parents began to insist the liability shield protecting the pharmaceutical companies was removed.

Many compensation claims were filed and a blogger began to collate anecdotes & VAERS was also used.


38. The federal govt were concerned about the blogger's claims. Over a couple of yrs people began to suffer additional SE especially those with underlying conditions.

The govt were put under huge pressure to award compensation despite their being no data to support the claims.

39. Chpt 19. Conspiracy theories abounded on SM saying the virus was purposely created and it had escaped from a government lab secretly testing bioweapons.

Now where have we come across that before. Remember the document was written in 2017.

40. Finally in the document they talk of "The very real possibility of a future SPARS pandemic necessitating continued commitment to vaccination programs" END

I mean there are no similarities at all between the futuristic SPARS outbreak & our present day Covid situation 🙄

41. By now it should be evident that everything has been wargamed to the most minute detail from Operation Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, Clade X, Event 201 to the SPARS document over 20 yrs. Very little has been left to chance.

Or then again it's just a coincidence. You decide.

42. You know the drill 😀 I write these 🧵 in my spare time and would really appreciate if you could retweet the very 1st tweet. Likes are great but retweets are required to reach as large an audience as possible to expose what is really going on behind the scenes. Many thanks.

@threader compile

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