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Hum dekhenge

Nov 26, 2021, 6 tweets

Shaheed #HemantKarkare was murdered by Hindutva terrorists on 26/11/08. On the same day prosecutor Rohini Salian had submitted a laptop in MCOCA court recovered by #ShaheedKarkare from "priest" Dayanand. That laptop had 3 video & 2 audio clips of Pandey, Pragya, Purohit & other +

2. Hindutva terrorists talking about RDX, hand grenades & arms training. The entire investigation revealed the network & the scale of of Hindutva terror. If Congress really cared about fixing Hindutva problem they would've gone after the terrorists & brought them to justice +

3. But Congress let Hindutva terror spread & kept targeting Muslim organisations. Despite all this evidence not one Hindutva group was banned during entire UPA rule. Bombs went off in Muslim areas, near mosques, in public places in Muslim areas but Muslims kept getting arrested+

4. The RSS monster went beyond control in front of their eyes but they chose to look away or now I believe helped them in some ways. Innocent Muslims are still paying the price for Congress's mistakes. +

5. Braveheart Hemant Karkare also paid the price for standing up to the Hindutva project and exposing them methodically. If he would've been around for couple of more years, his investigation would've definitely led him to the doorsteps of RSS HQ.

Video credits - @anandverite. If you haven't watched the series Vivek, do yourself a favour and watch it right now. These edited clips are from episode 14 & 15.

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