巴丢草 Bad ї ucao Profile picture
Chinese Australian artist/Award wining cartoonist for @theage @smh /Human rights Activist/DM for signed print & original art /New Book https://t.co/O7ZmTytF6D

Nov 26, 2021, 7 tweets

1. Today I finished my residence in Brescia Italy for my solo exhibition.
It has been a wonderful art journey and full of adventure from China embassy’s threat to death warning of CGTN and Chinese nationalists.
This thread will take you to some of works exhibited in this show.

2. “Carrie Xi” is first work in the show as well as the poster design.
I intentionally choose it because my forced cancelled show “Gongle” in HK used the same poster.

Its a new version of oil painting different from its original digital version.
Its my statement to censorship!

3. The Red Room is the first section to show.
All works here have an intimate relation to me personally from the masks I used while i was hiding from CCP to the Tiger Chair i bought from Taobao.
Also some 4000 handsharped pencil as China dream and my role model the great @aiww

4. The White Room
In this space,3 installations discussed topics from Tiananmen massacre watch,China‘s baby fomula scandal in 2008 and video work of my Tankman performance with many friends‘s support and participating from twitter!

5. One of the most important work from this exhibition is “WATCH”
Its an installation with my own blood (64 paintings)to complete the evidence of Tiananmen Masscare watch which rewarded to killer soilders after 1989 crackdown.


6. This is how installation “WATCH” is made.

Graphic warning 🩸blood.

7. In the major space,Wuhan resident diary from China‘s brutal lockdown and Dr Li Wenliang and @chenqiushi404 portraits are featured.
Also with my posters for Who Is LiuXia and Beijing2022 posters.

Last, the new installation of “Soy Sauce Cocktail” !

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