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Nov 26, 2021, 6 tweets

2018 WEF talks about #MindControl Ultrasound
1. Controlling the #Brain with #SoundWaves
How does it work?

2018 WEF talks about #MindControl Ultrasound
2. What Social good can come of it?
3. Is it Safe?

2018 WEF talks about #MindControl Ultrasound
4. What are the biggest #Ethical #Challenges?
5. How #Dystopian could it get?

2018 WEF talks about #MindControl Ultrasound
6. What can we do to safeguard its potential?

WEF {#MindControl using #SoundWaves.
We ask a scientist how it works}
Archive is here…

Original link to article no longer exist

A study in "Journal of #ConsumerResearch" investigated the sociological impact of WEF, concluded: the forum do not solve issues (poverty, global warming, chronic illness, debt). #WEF simply shift the burden for the solution re problems from govts & business onto the consumers

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