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Attorney | Computer Scientist | Foreign Policy Analyst Formerly: @NSF, @MGIMO Featured in: @WashingtonPost @ForeignPolicy @BBC @DatelineNBC

Nov 27, 2021, 7 tweets

Friends, I'd like to introduce you to the lowest effort, highest payoff dish you can cook:

Halloumi. ("Χαλλούμι")

I first encountered it among Greeks on the island of Cyprus, and it's become a staple of my diet ever since. 1/N

Halloumi is a semi-hard cheese made from an unripened mixture of goat's and sheep's milk.

What makes it special is that it has an extremely high melting point, so you can easily *fry it* in a pan.

The results are sublime: flavor and texture that put normal cheese to shame.

The process is incredibly easy: Simply slice the cheese and place it in a hot pan with a bit of olive oil.

As soon as the bottom takes on a golden brown color, flip it. Once both sides are fried, serve it hot.

Start to finish, it takes less than 5 minutes.

Here is the hot, flavourful reward for your brief labor.

As you experiment, you'll discover how heavily you like to fry your halloumi.

I prefer a crunchy golden crust, but some people prefer a lighter, gooier texture.

Halloumi goes well with almost anything, but I enjoy serving it with Greek-inspired dishes.

Here's an easy salad made from feta, tomato, cucumber, onion, and parsley. I seasoned it with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Greco-Slavic fusion cuisine, one might say.

If you'd like to make the salad heavier, you can mix in a couple hard-boiled eggs.

I used white onion this time, but I find that purple onion gives it a bolder flavor.

Both variants are delicious.

That concludes my first (and only?) cooking thread.

Credit to @FischerKing64 for inspiring me with his excellent examples.

Making fresh, nutritious meals at home is one of the simple pleasures of life. Let's keep cherishing it.

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