Sir Dickson Profile picture
I See God in the Excellence of Men

Nov 27, 2021, 11 tweets

Reputation isonu. This Femi guy was all about the money but I'll leave you to read for yourself. This lady is a good lady. This is her last statement and they will be under the rader. The business will go on and mentors will et value for their money.

Femi is a despicable friend. You don't kick a friend when he is down. In every sphere of human relationship, there is an acceptable codenof conduct.

Oh well 🤷‍♂️

This was when Chizom was having issues drawing 1.5m from Dafribank to pay employees

This was when Chizom contacted the sponsor himself about how the money was inaccessible.

This was when Chizom also contacted Dafribank out of frustration cause they had charged him heavily to pull an amount that wasn’t even received.

Dafribank's response

This guy's problem was money and while that is u derdtabdable, he failed to understand the struggle Chizom was having pulling the money and doubly, wasn't empathetic about the resulting fall from the scandal. He was out for a last pay day.

The BTC Transaction which Chizom was forced to make to pay Femi

500k paid to Femi to conclude his mentorship. Pay which failed to disclose in his thread.

Make of the thread what you will but that Femi guy is very dishonest. Werey said he left because of his reputation.

Reputation isonu

The business will go on. It will thrive. Understandably, they will be away from Twitter for a while while they rebuild. Feel free to register with them and get the learning you need. Privileged dudes should please sponsor the less privileged.

Life happens. Have a good weekend.

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