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"I May Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It". JFK Assassination, WWII, Watergate nut. Opinionated.

Nov 27, 2021, 14 tweets

1- No shit, Sherlock.

This sad puff piece from @WSJ warrants more commentary (cont).

2- “complicated by”

Yeah, well, people get upset when they can’t access or can’t afford basic goods & services.

3- in other words a task force was set up to do @SecretaryPete job because clearly he can’t.

4- How about stop printing money?

5- @POTUS promised he would shut down the virus so why is this still an issue?

6- Again for posterity. “D’oh” moment if ever there was one.

7- Great, but Democrats will never admit printing money was a mistake.

8- Oh, so supply side economics is good again. So hard to keep up.

9- Team Brandon is astounding in how they always focus on symptoms vs root causes. Here we go again.

10- Yeah, well, maybe the whole world shutting down their economies for over year didn’t help.

11- Why would anyone think Team Brandon will be “curbing Covid-19” anytime soon, given their performance to date?

12- And plenty of other economists + rational people understand that printing more money will make it worse.

All this does is confirm that if you parrot the ruling class’ narratives you get handed grants & awards.

13- Disappointing that @WSJ published such long-winded collection of claptrap, to basically say Team Brandon unleashed inflation & now cannot get the horse back in the barn.

14- And finally, for posterity. Remember when Joe was going to “shut down” the virus? Good times.


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