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Former CIA Ops Officer. Fan of John 8:32. Host of The Wright Report daily news podcast. (

Nov 27, 2021, 6 tweets

There is absolutely evidence that some vaccines — “leaky vaccines” — can foster variants.

Will COVID vaccines fall into this leaky vaccine category?

Vaccine developers looked at this concern — antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) — during development.

They found nothing during studies and early rollout.

(Perhaps this is what you were referencing.)

But we ought to be vigilant given the performance of these novel COVID vaccines.

Why? They do not provide sterilizing immunity.

In other words, COVID vaccinated can and do spread the virus, while they themselves remain mostly protected.

Aka the definition of a leaky vaccine.

COVID vaccines have also become wildly political.

Their performance has been overstated. Repeatedly.

We ought to ask: Can good science that challenges assumptions really operate in this environment?

And when companies are making billions of dollars off COVID vaccines, will the manufacturers allow dissenting science to exist or be fairly discussed?

Bottom line: The final word on COVID-19 vaccines is not in.

The science is not settled.

Let’s not suggest otherwise.

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