Alicia A Osmera 🏆🍊🐇💯♥️ Profile picture
Author, entrepreneur, and Retired Respiratory Therapist.

Nov 28, 2021, 12 tweets

The verdict on this trial could end up taking down the majority of the world's elite class. Get em! 💥
The list of Jeffrey Epstein co-conspirators includes:
The Entire Walt Disney corporation
Beyoncé & Jay Z (Shawn Carter)
Lil Wayne (Dwayne Carter)
Harvey Weinstein

Universal Music
Def Jam Recordings
Sony Entertainment
Viacom CBS

I’m sorry but most of the top of the music and entertainment industry have sold their souls… this house of cards is coming crashing down!

Don’t sell your soul for rock n roll!

#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #endsextrafficking #protectthechildren

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