RAVEN Le MAVEN Profile picture
#Complexity #Cybernetics #InfluenceOps 2016 I Theorized a WWW Network had been created specifically to INFLUENCE WESTERN SOCIETY / Now Validated

Nov 30, 2021, 7 tweets

Digita1Soldier is broken...

The support line is at 'C9' aka 'CovertNine'

No name. No number. No email.

Please leave a message... because I ain't seeing much recent action on their Twitter, either


'CovertNine' aka C9'

Supposedly of 'Chicago' at a home linked to a guy goes by the name of Tim... maybe Tim needs an infusion of dollars or crypto for repairs to resume. Or...

Google Ad for CovertNine...Marketing Agency, Chicago

Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Crunchbase...

Covert Nine

Drew Rose and Tim Toomey

GitHub #YadaYadaYada....

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