Manas Arora Profile picture
I catch falling knives as much as I buy breakouts. No intra. You’ll lose all your money if you’re here just to copy.

Nov 30, 2021, 9 tweets

#NewPosition - LONG in #THERMAX at 1685

Stop LOD

Small size





Sold 1/3rd position at 2r+ gains

Bought at 1685 with LOD stop




Sold another 1/3rd position at 1820 at 5r gains

Bought at 1685


2nd long at 1780

Now 2 longs at 1685 & 1780 respectively



Surfing 10/20 nicely

Long at 1685 & 1780


Added 3rd long position at 1726

Now holding longs from 1685, 1726 & 1780

Have also booked some profit on the way up.


Did not end well

Cost of doing business: 1.8% of the portfolio

Trade closed

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