Andrew Levi Profile picture
Technology investor, former diplomat and corporate executive▫️“Top” New York Times▫️“Senior” BBC▫️“Valued” Financial Times▫️“Persona non grata” Vladimir Putin▫️

Nov 30, 2021, 11 tweets

Well, here’s an interesting speech.

Spend 5 minutes with me on a journey from a hall in Harrogate 20 years ago to the Times today.

My translation of each extract is marked by a 🔹.

🔹We’re becoming a foreign land. They’re stealing our currency, our economy & our country. /1.

🔹I’m not racist, but …

The British are being turned into a different people. I’ll stop that. /2.

🔹Asylum seekers have rehearsed - to play the system.

Also, asylum & crime must be mentioned together as much as possible. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Britain is a soft touch. /3.

🔹It’s common sense that Britain must be a soft touch if asylum seekers come here instead of claiming asylum in a European country they’ve been in.

We’re not bigoted.

We’re proud of our country. /4.

🔹Britain is the greatest.

World War I. World War II. Empire. And other greatness.

People who, according to me, disagree with me (& you), despise our great country. /5.

🔹The EU, aided by fifth-columnists in Britain, is destroying our country’s independence.

And robbing you, the true, honest folk of Britain, of your sovereignty. /6.

🔹If you don’t vote Conservative, your future right to vote for your government, & to live in an independent country, will be stolen.

By foreigners & their British collaborators. /7.

🔹Your country has been stolen from you. It’s being dismantled. And you, the true people, threatened with extinction. Sorry: “the currency of our people threatened with extinction”. A totally different point.

Vote for me. Vote Conservative. We’ll give you your country back. /8.

Here’s the full speech. I wouldn’t want you to think I might have been trying to mislead by taking things out of context.

Perish the thought. /9.…

Oh yes, & look who gave it.

The person who just wrote this.

I still haven’t recovered my breath👇 /10.

The speech is 20 years old.

What does that tell us?

Not that it no longer matters.


🔹the malaise which it typifies runs much deeper than the excesses of the Johnson rampage

🔹Lord Hague is part of that

🔹absent apology & explanation, his words are hollow. /11. End

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