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Nov 30, 2021, 9 tweets

The new members of Keir Starmer's shadow cabinet, and whether they can actually help Labour

🔵Analysis from i's Political Editor, @HugoGye


Sir Keir Starmer’s shadow Cabinet reshuffle:

🔴Designed to reshape Labour’s top team
🔴Prepare the party for the next election
🔴Has brought in some big hitters and promoted rising stars
🔴Demoted those who have not toed the party line and sacked underperforming MPs

Here's our break down of how dangerous new Shadow Cabinet members are to the Conservatives ⤵️


First up...

Angela Rayner: Deputy Leader, Shadow First Secretary of State, Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Shadow Secretary of State for the Future of Work

She will continue to challenge ministers in her favoured confrontational style.

⚠️ Danger rating 4/5

Rachel Reeves: Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer

One of the few senior figures to keep her previous job, she's seen as increasingly credible by the business world thanks to her credentials as an economist and commitment to fiscal discipline.

⚠️ Danger rating 4/5

Yvette Cooper: Shadow Secretary of State for the Home Department

The former Cabinet minister has spent six years on the back benches challenging successive Home Secretaries including Theresa May, Amber Rudd and Priti Patel.

⚠️ Danger rating 5/5


Ed Miliband: Shadow Secretary of State of Climate Change and Net Zero

The former leader has seen his brief cut in half, but he is a real expert on energy and climate change who will be able to pick holes in the Government’s net zero ambitions.

⚠️ Danger rating 3/5

Lisa Nandy: Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities & Local Government

Although technically demoted, the job plays to her strengths as a representative of a “red wall” northern town.

⚠️ Danger rating 5/5

🔵 Read the full story here:


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