chichi ♡ Profile picture
engene | au writer

Dec 1, 2021, 35 tweets


⁃a short #sunki au wherein Angelo (ni-ki) a quiet and introverted poet, gets to meet Miko (sunoo) the sunshine of the school. After meeting each other, what does the future hold for them?

🖇 notes
⁃purely from the author's imagination
⁃do not reply to the thread
⁃will contain scenes that might trigger the reader but I will put tw don't worry

⁃sunki au
⁃wirtten in taglish

pahimakas - huling pamamaalam

- start

⁃Angelo Torres
⁃someone into poetry

⁃Miko Alcantara
⁃kilala sa buong school dahil sa pagkacheerful

⁃Paolo Rivera
⁃kaibigan ni miko

⁃Shaun Marquez
⁃bestfriend ni miko

⁃Sebastian Corpuz
⁃crush ni Shaun

⁃Samuel Perez
⁃kaibigan ni miko

⁃Julian Javier
⁃kaibigan ni angelo

- 01

- 02

- 03

- 04

- 05

- 06

- 07

- 08

- 09

- 10

- 11

- 12

- 13

- 14

- 15

- 16
tw// death, blood

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- end

🖇 notes

- thank u sm for reading this!
- mistakes are made, i'm sorry in advance.
- miko and angelo are now safe don't worry!
- alternate ending?🤔

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