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Dec 1, 2021, 9 tweets

Boris Johnson has been accused of breaking his own strict Covid rules with a series of parties in Downing Street last winter.

Dozens of staff in the building are said to have been ‘cheek by jowl’ at two festive gatherings.…

The Prime Minister reportedly gave a speech at a packed leaving do for a key aide last November – despite the country being in its second lockdown.

Then, with London under ‘Tier 3’, he attended an unofficial festive party at No10 – in an event branded a ‘Covid nightmare’.

One legal expert told the Mirror that the dos could have been punishable with a £10,000 fine.

The revelations have been met with anger among the public, with the government having already faced a string of hypocrisy and sleaze allegations during the pandemic.

A source said: ‘While senior civil servants were urging caution to the public, Prime Minister gave the impression that it could be very relaxed in No 10.'

‘He would either turn a blind eye or on some occasions attend himself while everyone else was in lockdown’.

No10’s official staff Christmas party is said to have been cancelled but the alleged leaving do is said to have occurred on November 27 and the unofficial Christmas bash, which the PM did not attend, on December 18 – after London moved to the third tier of local restrictions.

That meant all indoor mixing outside of household bubbles was banned, though there were exceptions for mixing that was ‘reasonably necessary for work’.

Both parties were attended by ’40 to 50′ people, the Mirror reported.

And one source said that there were ‘many social gatherings’ in Downing Street last year while the public faced restrictions, adding that there were ‘always parties’ in Mr Johnson’s Downing Street flat.

Rumours of a third, smaller gathering on the night top aide Dominic Cummings walked out, on November 13, is said to have involved staff ‘all getting totally plastered’.

We have approached Downing Street about the latest accusations, which come after Mr Johnson said Christmas parties should not be cancelled.

But a spokesman did not deny the claims to the Mirror, and claimed: ‘Covid rules have been followed at all times.’

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