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A typical rustic from Eastern UP. Reposts Does Not Mean Endorsement

Dec 1, 2021, 10 tweets

See here. The original Vishwanath temple (Jyotirlinga) was at a place now called Adi Viswanath (circled in red). This was demolished by Kutubuddin Aibak (or Ghori, not sure) between 1192-98. Then it was moved to where Gyanwapi mosque is now(in green).


Then Ahilyabai Holkar built the temple in 1776 which we see today (in yellow).

I think so. And that Jyotirlinga is now in the Gyanwaapi Koop(well).

As far as the location of the Shivlinga for the temple destroyed by Aurangzeb is concerned, see this skectch. Blue mark is the location of the Nandi (still there) of the temple destroyed. So Shivlinga must be on the line towards the mouth of Nandi.

K2As deliberately built (as a mark of disrespect and to humiliate Hindus) the stairs (red loop) to climb up into the mosque complex at the exact location of the Shivlinga of the temple destroyed in 1669.


This book "Kashi Gaurav" by Swami Shivananda Sarasvati (Shishya of Swami Karpatri Ji). But I know this thing first hand as I grew up in Kashi. :)


Hum log "History Centric" kab se ho gaye? Combine these twi pieces of information.

cc @Kal_Chiron


And this one.

See this mention of "Avimukteshwar Shivlinga" (I guess right beside the Garbhagriha) by the Pujari of Kashi Vishwanath temple.

Look at the amount paid (1 Crore+) by UP Govt to acquire the property (the place of famous Avimukteshvara Linga) at the address CK-35/33 Dhundhiraj Gali.
Question ye hai ki Veda,Upanishad, Puran mein mentioned temple Pvt property kaise ho gaya? 😊

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