Brad Heath Profile picture
DC reporter for @reuters on crime and justice. Ex-@usatoday. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. 202-527-9709,

Dec 2, 2021, 8 tweets

Here's a fascinating story from the @journalsentinel about the supposedly independent 2020 election review being conducted for Wisconsin's legislature.…

One of the people hired to work as an investigator on the review is the head of a group that sued to overturn the results of Wisconsin's presidential election - twice.

The review is sharing office space with a conservative group that also went to court to try to prevent Congress from counting the 2020 electoral votes. A federal judge said the suit was so flimsy he referred its lawyer for possible professional discipline.

Another staff member spent five years in federal prison for fraud.

The identity of the review's data person is "classified." And two of the people conducting legal work aren't licensed to practice law in Wisconsin.

There's more. This story by @patrickdmarley is worth your time.…

For those keeping track at home, the Wisconsin legislature's election review is sharing office space with the lawyer who, among other things, tried to serve a summons on the Electoral College.

As it happens, that lawyer has appealed a judge's decision that his conduct should be referred to a grievance committee for a disciplinary investigation. The D.C. Cir. heard arguments this morning.

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