Don Moynihan Profile picture
Policy Professor @McCourtSchool @Georgetown Immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter: Find me on Mastadon/Bluesky/Threads

Dec 2, 2021, 7 tweets

New from me: How the Biden administration is reducing administrative burdens both for public services - health care access, rental assistance, student loan forgiveness - and our interactions with private companies.…

Much of what Biden is doing is reversing the increase of administrative burdens under the Trump admin. In health care, this means reinvigorating the Navigator program to enhance outreach and rolling back work requirements. 2/

Getting money out the door for an intergovernmental rental assistance program has been a big problem. Gene Sperling sped things up partly by encouraging states and localities to use self-attestation in place of detailed documentation requirements. 3/

On student loans, Biden has resisted calls for mass forgiveness. Instead, he has taken the student loan forgiveness programs that already exist and worked to make them actually function. This has resulted in billions in student loan forgiveness. 4/…

Its possible for the federal government to not just reduce burdens in public services, but regulate how private companies use burdens to take advantage of customers. For example, think of how easy it is to sign up for a magazine subscription, and how hard it is to cancel. 5/

You probably haven't heard of the ways the Biden admin is reducing burdens which reflects both a messaging problem and opportunity. How do progressives build a coherent narrative where good government fixes resonate in an era of dysfunctional populism? 6/…

This piece is a sequel to a previous post that lays out the broader philosophy emerging from the Biden admin. Its hard to get much attention to in-the-weeds accounts of government improvement, so please amplify and consider subscribing to my newsletter! 7/…

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