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Dec 2, 2021, 13 tweets

Which women have changed the world in 2021?👇

@FTMag asked a host of women, from @Lagarde to @GretaThunberg & @SenWarren, to contribute to the FT's Women of the Year list: 25 leaders who've shaped 2021 across countries & fields #FTwomen2021 (free to read)

.@Lagarde talked about director-general of the World Trade Organization @NOIweala, whom she has known since 2005, witnessing her tireless work as a seasoned negotiator and crisis manager #FTwomen2021

Jane Fraser of Citigroup has written about General Motors CEO @mtbarra, who since 2014 has ‘led GM through tremendous challenges and change and is now determined to put the automaker back on top’ #FTwomen2021

Minouche Shafik has profiled @GitaGopinath, whose tenure as chief economist at the IMF has been dominated by ‘the Great Lockdown’, a term she coined to describe the worst recession the world economy has faced since the Great Depression #FTWomen2021

.@RanaForoohar has spoken of @SpeakerPelosi, the US’s first woman, first Californian and first Italian-American to become speaker of the house #FTWomenof2021

.@GretaThunberg says the voice of her colleague and friend climate activist @vanessa_vash is ‘absolutely essential’ in the climate debate #FTWomenof2021

.@FrancesHaugen’s ‘courageous’ gift to the world ‘has been an ice-cold shower of incontestable facts smuggled from the heart of the Facebook empire, shining a light on the destructive powers of Mark Zuckerberg’, says @shoshanazuboff #FTWomenof2021

Today’s Big Tech firms think they’re too big to be held accountable, but Lina Khan is proving them wrong, says @SenWarren of the Federal Trade Commission chair #FTWomen2021

.@gilliantett admires Luiza Trajano, one of Brazil’s most remarkable businesswomen and social leaders – she began working aged 17 in the family store and built the business into one of Latin America’s retail powerhouses #FTWomen2021

.@BillieJeanKing has called tennis champion Naomi Osaka ‘one of the most successful businesswomen in sports, an advocate for racial justice and she transcends sports — most recently by using her platform to prioritise health and wellbeing’ #FTWomen2021

Unlike so many of the world’s political and business leaders who self-censor at the first hint of displeasure from Beijing, @iingwen does not buckle in the face of intimidation, says @TheCarrieGracie about Taiwan president Tsai Ing-Wen #FTWomen2021

Sotooda Forotan, 15, protested against the Taliban’s actions and demanded schools reopen for girls in Herat, Afghanistan. Her fearlessness and strength pushed Taliban leaders there to allow girls to return to school, writes @Malala #FTWomen2021

Tap here to discover the other women heroes, leaders and creators who have been disruptors in 2021 (for free) #FTWomen2021 👉

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