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Life #Engineer fan of foot⚽ #Technologist in the loop🔗 Mostly #FreeThinker🐬 waiting any #clincher✨ #Libertarian in the room🐍 #Computing out the doom (✪ ﻌ ✪=)

Dec 4, 2021, 6 tweets

# ATLUTD´s answer regarding Thiago Almada was important news in 🇦🇷 media in the same way as the transfer stated by Vélez.

Most popular subscription sports channel TYC
HEADLINE: Vélez confirmed sale of Thiago Almada, but #ATLUTD denied it".
DECK: "Velez officially made transfer of the youth player in 16 million USD. However, MLS issued a harsh statement. Player said it was his last game at Liniers."

Most popular sports newspaper OLÉ
HEADLINE: "Vélez made the sale of Almada official for 16 million dollars, although #ATLUTD denies it."
DECK: "El Fortín announced transfer of Thiago, but from the US they say it has not been done yet. Look."

Most prestigious sports newspaper EL GRÁFICO
HEADLINE: "Vélez confirmed sale of Thiago Almada but #ATLUTD denied it."
DECK: "Through social networks, the Liniers club had confirmed transfer of player to MLS for a millionaire amount but it was denied by the NOAM team hours later".

Most popular online news outlet INFOBAE
HEADLINE: "The harsh response from #ATLUTD to Vélez for the sale of Thiago Almada: ´´We did not commit to hire the player´´".
DECK: "The MLS club responded after the announcement made by El Fortín on their social networks."

ERRATA: "MLS" means "MLS club".

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