Ravi #destroyaadhaar #opeci Profile picture
Author .covid Research analyst.political n strategic analyst.election security Advocate. Technology, Startups. operated by @angrymaya1980 back up .

Dec 4, 2021, 13 tweets

Qr codes are designed by e-governance foundation which received funding from gates foundation.without public consultation they created the platform which is unconstitutional #cowinscam

E-governance foundation of nandan Nilekani is funded by gates foundation. They created qr in vaccine certificates .

This women knows qr codes will there even before it was developed. This clearly tells everything is going according to the plan . When vaccine doesn't prevent infection or transmission of the disease. Immunity passes r meaning less.

They did not hav any answers on the rti we filed .rti was rejected on national security. What they r hiding from ppl ? How ppl like kiran Majumder were aware qr codes to acess public places #cowinscam

theweek.in/wire-updates/b… Garuda health passport which includes ur immunization records r created by fraudlent companies . Why minister of telecom is involved when . health data comes under health ministry. Who is rishabh Sharma ? How he is related to rs sharma ?

Health Data will be handled by this guy companies .Garuda health passports..how he is related to rssharma? He not even from technology background. Rs sharma misused his contacts in telecom ministry to give contracts to this guy. #cowinscam

Announcements for contract approval comes in March 2021 . Companies were floated in the month of feb . At same location. These contracts to handle entire population were given to companies with 1 month old . All these new companies were floated in the same location #cowinscam

to create cowin platform they announced the challenge . But everything was well before .they didnot even announce the winner of these challenges . They fixed everything. They gave contracts to handle health data of 1.4 billion people to bogus companies.

What happened to the cowin challenge? How risbah Sharma is related to rs sharma who is incharge of health id program? How fraudulent companies r given contracts? How kiran Majumder know their will be qr code even before it was created ? #cowinscam

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