Shane Gu Profile picture
Senior Staff RS, Gemini post-training multilinguality co-lead @GoogleDeepMind Tokyo/SF. 🇯🇵-born 🇨🇳🇨🇦. ex: @GoogleAI Brain, @OpenAI (JP: @shanegJP)

Dec 4, 2021, 6 tweets

Excited to co-run the @EcoTheoryRL "data-centric RL" workshop @NeurIPSConf! Schedule:…

INCREDIBLE speakers:

1) @ShaneLegg (Co-founder/Chief Scientist of @DeepMind)
2) Joelle Pineau (McGill, FAIR, MILA)

3) Pierre-Yves Oudeyer @pyoudeyer (INRIA)
4) @katjahofmann (@MSFTResearch @MSFTResearchCam)

5) Daniel Tanis (w/ @DrewPurves) @DeepMind

6) Benjamin Van Roy @Stanford
7) Warren Powell @Princeton

8) Amy Zhang @yayitsamyzhang (MILA, @UCBerkeley, FAIR -> @UTAustin )
9) Tom Griffiths @Princeton
10) Michiel van de Panne @UBC

More tweets to come for contributed talks + other fun info of the workshop!

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