Mike Stuchbery 💀🍷 Profile picture
Journalist, Writer & Traveller ★ Stuttgart, Germany ★ Curses lots, despises bigots.

Dec 4, 2021, 11 tweets

Ok, let's play this game. Let's compare the treatment of German Jews in the 1930s to those Germans who choose not get vaccinated in 2021.

First, in 1934, the Nazis forbade Jews from most university courses.
Jews were also discharged from the armed forces.

There are no restrictions on tertiary study, and as of November, the vaccine still wasn't mandatory for the Bundeswehr.

In 1935, the Nuremberg Race Laws forbade Jews from marrying other Germans, and stripped them of their most basic civil rights.

Today, anyone unvaccinated can marry who they wish at the Standesamt, as long as they wear a mask. Their rights are also protected by the 'Grundgesetz'.

In 1936, Jewish students could no longer attend school. In 2021, the unvaccinated may - no child is vaccinated.

Jews also had any state benefits stopped. In 2021, there is nothing tying vaccination status to Hartz IV - the German benefit system.

German Jews also lost the right to vote in 1936.

Unvaccinated Germans just took part in the Bundeswahl - the Federal election. A *not insignificant* number of them in the former East Germany voted for the AfD - a party whose members sought to *downplay* Nazi persecutions.

German Jews couldn't go to parks, zoos or pools as of 1936 too. A champion swimmer near where I live killed himself as a consequence.

In 2021, you need to be vaccinated or recovered to go to these places. Temporarily. Once it's voted on.

In 1938, Jews had to get special identity cards, were forbidden from travel, had to change their names to include 'Sarah' or 'Israel' and in November, were rounded up in their thousands and beaten.

In 2021, those engaging in violence were 'Querdenker' during several protests.

At the moment, Germams are being asked to vaccinate.

There may be a mandate, but the odds of that being enforced with quite the brutality of the SA are slim to none.

Yes, they are prevented from entering certain spaces, but that's a pandemic response CENTURIES old.

Anyone equating the dehumanization, persecution and physical violence against German Jews with the absolute bare minimum of pandemic responses is not only fantastically misinformed, but morally bankrupt.

It demonstrates a pomposity and selfishness breaktaking to behold.

Every time you post an 'unvaccinated' Judensterne or make a sly crack about the Germans repeating the past, you dishonour the memory of a people who had no recourse, no choice, no possibility of holding on in their own land.

You only show yourself to be a pampered, selfish fool.

Furthermore, you're also doing the work of groups and individuals who share some of the same political positions as the actual historical Nazis, by creating this false equivalence. /FIN

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