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Dec 4, 2021, 8 tweets

🥪 A food revolution began pre-pandemic and COVID has only accelerated that.

See how America's food industry is transforming, from farm to your table. ⬇️

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Corn-supply interruptions include worker shortages, unpredictable ethanol demand and machinery scarcity.

These layers of disruptions add up, triggering gyrating costs for corn, a foundation of the food supply — both as feedstock and table staple.


Restaurants and bars are still 1 million jobs down from pre-pandemic levels. Combative customers, unpredictable schedules, lack of benefits, career changes and fear of COVID all take their toll.


🚗 The pandemic created a surge in demand for food delivery services with such speed that regulations protecting workers haven't kept up — making those jobs much more dangerous.

Could you manage as a food delivery courier? Play our game to find out. ⬇️…

Don't be surprised if you cross paths with a robot the next time you go food shopping or out to eat.

Automation is moving into several aspects of the food industry, from farm to table.


Your burger is heating Earth.


French fries and pad thai may be the most popular food deliveries over the past 12 months.


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