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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Dec 5, 2021, 11 tweets

🤨 Let's look at the evidence....

Here is how the Coventry University study defines conversion therapy...

They compare it with their preferred approach "unconditional acceptance"

Exploring whether a child's dysphoria is a symptom of a development disorder.

Exploring whether "asexuality" has another cause.

= Conversion therapy according to this study

Here is a case example they give from their interviews

And here is one of the very few a academic studies they cite as evidence on the nature of gender identity conversion. They say @ZUCKERKJ is a conversion therapist

Let's look at what the government's consultation on conversion therapy is asking people who say they've had it.

They are certainly not ruling out therapists and other clinicians

Let's look at what JK Rowling has been harassed and condemned for

Let's look at what @JamesEsses was expelled from therapist training for ...

And let's look at what Naomi Cunningham said at the Middle Temple which caused Jayne Ozanne to call her a transphobe and apologise to the trans community that she had been allowed to speak…

If @Nancy_M_K wants people to believe that the policy she is campaigning for doesn't target legitimate therapy, why didn't she speak up when she could have defended Ken Zucker, James Esses, Naomi Cunningham,David Bell, Keira Bell, Sonia Appleby, JK Rowling etc...

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