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Roving the Middle East for Al-Aan TV. Reporting from Syria, Libya, Iraq & more. Found secret ISIS docs, mobiles & laptops. Horse rider. Arabic @JenanAlAan

Dec 5, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ This week my guest on my show @akhbar was Sinam Mohamad (@sinam56), representative of Syrian Democratic Council in Washington (political wing SDF). She told me, contrary to what many think, U.S. is actually not against SDF making a deal with Syrian gov.

2/ Exact quote by @sinam56: "What we are now interested in is to reach solutions in Syria. We heard from US administration that they aren't against us having dialogue with Syria government. What we also always say: We need a solution from Syrian to Syrian"

3/ US pullout from Afghanistan also created some panic in SE Syria, admits @sinam56. "(...) we had private meetings here in Washington. US confirmed to us there won't be withdrawal now. ISIS threat still there &still no political solution to Syria crisis."

4/ I asked @sinam56 for difference between Trump &Biden administration? "During Trump days, US admin was working as one person. He had good relations with Turkey, that led to deal in 2019 to give Tell Abyad &Ras al Ain to Turkish forces &their mercenaries"

5/ "We are more comfortable with Biden gov", @sinam56 said, "It's more institutionalized (than Trump). Erdogan threatened our areas but now the US and Russia didn't give their green light. Now things are more quiet, everyone is working to de-escalate."

6/ My full 30 minutes interview with Sinam Mohamad (@sinam56), the representative of the Syrian Democratic Council in Washington (political wing of the SDF), can be viewed here. It is in Arabic:

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