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Dec 5, 2021, 9 tweets

BREAKING: Bob Dole, former Republican senator, presidential candidate and World War II hero, dies at age 98.

President Biden on the passing of former Sen. Bob Dole:

Former President Bush on former Sen. Bob Dole's passing:

Senate Minority Leader McConnell on the passing of former Sen. Bob Dole:

House Minority Leader McCarthy on former Sen. Bob Dole's passing:

Former President Obama on the passing of former Sen. Bob Dole:

Former President Clinton on former Sen. Bob Dole's passing:

"Bob Dole dedicated his entire life to serving the American people, from his heroism in World War II to the 35 years he spent in Congress." (1/2)

Former President Clinton on former Sen. Bob Dole's passing:

"After all he gave in the war, he didn’t have to give more. But he did. His example should inspire people today and for generations to come." (2/2)

Former President Trump on the passing of former Sen. Bob Dole:

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