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Dec 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Africa has little chance of overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic unless 70% of its population is vaccinated by end-2022, yet 'extreme vaccine discrimination' is leaving the continent behind, a report shows 1/5

The discovery of the Omicron variant in southern Africa has heightened claims that low inoculation rates can encourage viral mutations, which can then spread to countries where rates are much higher 2/5

Yet only five of Africa's 54 countries are on track to reach a World Health Organization target of fully vaccinating 40% of the population by end-2021, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation said in a report on COVID-19 in Africa 3/5

One in 15 Africans has been fully vaccinated, against nearly 70% in the G7 group of richer nations, according to data from the foundation, which was set up by the Sudanese telecoms billionaire to promote better governance and economic development in Africa 4/5

Vaccines have been in short supply in Africa after developed countries secured initial orders from pharmaceutical companies and the global vaccine-sharing program, COVAX, got off to a slow start.

Read the full story 👉 via @reuterstommy 5/5

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