Alliance for Securing Democracy Profile picture
The Alliance for Securing Democracy @gmfus is a nonpartisan, transatlantic initiative that aims to defend against and deter efforts to undermine democracy.

Dec 6, 2021, 6 tweets

Join ASD tomorrow as we set the stage for Biden's #SummitforDemocracy with events on:

💻 foreign information operations
💵 enablers of malign finance
🗳️ securing democratic elections
🇨🇳 China's economic coercion

Details 👇🧵

#GlobalDemocracyCoalition #DemocracyDecember

Join ASD tomorrow at 10 am EST/ 4 pm CET to discuss which tools are effective at combating malign information operations and which ones could potentially damage the open information space.

Ft. @ahonen_anneli @pumashen @LeeFosterIntel @noUpside


Tune in tomorrow at 1 pm EST/ 7 pm CET as @WillFitzgibbon, @spfreedberg, Neil Jeans, @LaksKumar_GFI, @cjcmichel, and @JoshRudes explain how democracies can build resilience to enablers of malign finance.


#DemocracyDecember #SummitforDemocracy

Co-Director @ZackCooper will testify before @CECCgov on how China uses economic coercion to silence critics and achieve its political aims globally at 10 am EST/ 4 pm CET tomorrow.


Elections Integrity Fellow @davidalanlevine will join @Int_IDEA for a panel on ways democracies can protect and support their electoral processes as they face unprecedented attacks.

📅Tomorrow at 11 am EST/ 5 pm CET.


At 10 am EST/ 4 pm CET @kristineberz joins former ASD expert @MattSchrader_DC for an @IRIglobal discussion on how civil society is building democratic resilience to the CCP's influence campaigns in Africa and Latin America.



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