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Husband, Father, Parishioner. Also a Carpenter. (r3FORMed) Email:

Dec 6, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ What the anti-CRT slanderers are calling "racial essentialism" is simply group activism in response group oppression, as advocated by Dr. King:

2/ And as advocated by Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton (1967):

3/ @sandylocks is simply being consistent with the Civil Rights tradition:

4/ And this is explained quite simply by Gary Peller:

5/ In fact, anti-essentialism is peak postmodernism (the anti-CRTs don't seem to know this). Angela Harris, who helped develop the anti-essentialist critique of feminism, explained long ago that central to CRT is holding both modernist and postmodernist discourses in tension:

6/6 And lest you think this is not central, even Derrick Bell explicitly agreed:

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