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CEO DCN. Media strategy, streaming, antitrust, privacy. @wustl, Sporting News, CBS Sports alum. #HoldTheLine #IStandwithEvan #PressFreedom Hear more at @dcnorg

Dec 7, 2021, 7 tweets

Outstanding report from north of border. I’ve been inside of Parliaments in Canada, UK, Belgium, Ireland, US but never seen a lobbyist quite like Chan. If there was a source who said he’s the personification of Facebook Comms brand in 2021, it was probably me. Some thoughts.. 1/7

I’ll never stop being floored at the influence peddling that comes from having Facebook lobbyists involved in take-down decisions for the platform. They shouldn’t be anywhere near these decisions until after they’re made. 2/7

This is an absolute strawman and a terrible position by Facebook that politicians rather than Facebook should decide what can be on social media. 3/7

Been there. Facebook and its advocates like to spread word that you “hate the internet” if you too frequently criticize their company. It doesn’t matter if you were coding websites and installing Apache servers before Mark Zuckerberg was a teenager. 4/7

A Facebook lobbyist said this. Try not to swallow your own vomit. 5/7

“that was totally by accident.” Sure, Kevin Chan. Sure, Facebook. 6/7

Oh it’s going to happen in Canada, Kevin. It’s on. Australia plus Europe build on top of each other and are now the global template to continue to iterate for more balanced bargaining power and a better deal. Antitrust and data policy at the core. 7/7

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