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Dec 7, 2021, 5 tweets

WHO reveals 4⃣0⃣ countries currently implement best-practice trans fat elimination policies, protecting 1.4 billion people around the 🌏🌍🌎 from this deadly food compound.

More on how countries are working to #REPLACEtransfatπŸ‘‰

This year, best practice trans fat elimination policies came into effect in

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Progress must also be urgently scaled up to #REPLACEtransfat especially in low-income countriesπŸ‘‰

Trans fat is an artificial compound that can be found in

❗️ cakes
❗️ cookies
❗️ biscuits
❗️ packaged foods
❗️ cooking oils
❗️ spreads

It is linked to increased risk of heart attacks & death from heart disease. #REPLACEtransfat now! πŸ‘‰

To #REPLACEtransfat by the end of 2023, countries need to

βœ… set trans fat limits
βœ… ban partially hydrogenated oils

More details πŸ‘‰

Food manufacturers also have a responsibility to nourish their consumers by turning commitments they made to eliminate industrially produced trans fat from their products into action.

More info πŸ‘‰

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