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Dec 7, 2021, 8 tweets

On this episode of @GildedAgePod, money-in-politics reporter @alexkotch and I are joined by social epidemiologist @jfeldman_epi to correct Koch-fueled DISINFORMATION about lockdowns and the pandemic.

We got receipts. Check it out!

Watch social epidemiologist @jfeldman_epi of Harvard's FXB Center, whose work during the pandemic has looked at the impact of COVID on communities of color, dismantle anti-vaxx, anti-public health narratives.

Our very own @alexkotch, a money-in-politics reporter, breaks down the Koch roots of anti-lockdown narratives and the Great Barrington Declaration.

Also, props to @NtlRzr for this 🔥🔥 cover art...

.@jfeldman_epi discusses how the right-wing anti-public health crowd's conception of "rights" doesn't consider the vulnerable.

"A lot of people didn't go shopping in stores; they didn't go to indoor dining because they were afraid of getting sick. Not because the government was ordering it." -- social epidemiologist @jfeldman_epi explains that lockdowns were never widespread in the U.S.

"This is a virus that largely spreads indoors from one person to another, so if you reduce indoor contacts in society, of course, you're going to reduce the spread." - @jfeldman_epi explaining why paid lockdowns, remote work, etc. are effective pandemic control measures.

Pretty big fact-checking moment.

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