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Dec 8, 2021, 9 tweets

Do you want to see a preview of the shitshow we all are going to face on Feb 1 if @JoeBiden @JamesKvaal and @FSACOO turn on student loan payments?

This crisis is avoidable. Let's avoid it.

🧵 as preview

On Aug 18, 2021 @Navient sent an email demanding a payment of $128.42 on a federal direct loan due Nov 1, 2021 even though the payment pause is still in effect.

This is the kind of totally false info Navient is sending millions of people.

This is all part of a game that @Navient plays. Half of the info they send you is false, the other half is accurate.

The fun is guessing which is which but be careful, your financial (and often physical) life depends on guessing correctly.

Today at 9:26 p.m. ET @Navient sent this message saying that on Nov 29, 2021 I reported a change in address.

The only trouble is, I didn't! Is that a problem? Seems like it. @Navient says to call IMMEDIATELY!

But they sent this email at 9:26 p.m. ET after Navient is closed.

Meanwhile there are dozens of emails like this being sent out every other day.

It's not just that every single message in and of themselves is confusing, it is also the sheer volume of messages. It is a lot of info to wade through, and remember half of it is false!

This is happening to 45 million people

Everyone at the Department of Education knows what is going to happen on Feb. 1. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

This is a crisis they are deciding to create themselves. It is avoidable. We don't have to do this.

Put down your weapons @JamesKvaal @FSACOO

You are liable to hurt someone

Let's live tweet trying to call @Navient about this

As expected @Navient told me this communication was an error. Everything they send has false info in it.

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