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player dev junkie writing for @SwishTheory. Dubs noise for @Game6KlayPod. Pro/college scouting @NextUp_BBall. Looney forever. he/him

Dec 8, 2021, 6 tweets

Posting some Franz clips that stood out against the Dubs because he rocks and everyone should know about him.

Using the WCJ screen, Franz gets leverage on Wiggins and puts him in hip jail. That allows him to wait for WCJ to recover and seal off the paint, then he goes up for two

Great way to manipulate Jordan Poole's tag from the far side. When Franz drives, Wendell Carter dives, and that forces the tag on WCJ from Poole so that Draymond isn't 1v2 in the paint. Franz reads it all the way, firing the ball to the far corner for the open three

Another example of Franz's size, handle and patience getting him a layup. Switched on Jordan Poole, he already has the size mismatch, and WCJ vacates the paint along with Kevon Looney. Once Loon is out, Franz spins away from him and Draymond to go up strong over Poole for two

Matched up against Steph defensively, Franz's quick hands and timing get him the steal when Steph goes with the behind-the-back crossover. He's rewarded with an easy dunk in transition

The Magic and their spacing bigs open up a lot of looks for Franz to exploit in the paint. Both Wendell Carter Jr and Mo, the other Wagner, provide credible spacing for the five-out alignment. With no help defense, all Franz needs is a quick cut and nice pass from WCJ for the two

Franz is so exciting offensively for many reasons, and I love the idea of him as a short-roll playmaker with his touch, court mapping, and timing. Juan Toscano-Anderson is forced into a quick stunt that leaves the baseline for Chuma Okeke to cut, and Franz finds him for the dunk

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